Oh, my joy! Oh great God of Tediousness, You who birthed our modern media, isn't this great?
(I checked this out with Pat, or Padraig as he is today, and Nat_Chez, and they saw it too, so yea be it) – the village gossip is dead!
Long live, the village gossip!
Let me explain – back in "the olden days" we'd have, a small village, complete with inbreeding, rape and homophobia condemning the same among themselves yea most fiercely, while yet most of those actions were permitted to the masters who took the rent.
But it was, The Way Things Be.
Back then, in a small town, a LOCAL town, we'd have gossip, which "kept you in your place" – yes, securely owned by the community, but also securely OWNED by the community. Mercy to their whims.
At mercy of their stares, their speculation, their innermost "issues" projected/transferred, onto your sweet furry little arse.
And now, oh how the right-whingers moan about lack of family values, lack of societal cohesion (ignoring it was that ultimate "righty" MaggieT who brought it about – but, I don't take sides, right and left both suck and the middle is grimmer still in the face of 2007's growing insane authoritarianism) – oh, but how they moan still, how much easier it is to look out upon this beautiful planet and make a horrible "them", and blame it for sacred "us."
So, we seem to some people, to have lost societal cohesion, family values – also known to those who have experienced tham as: grassing; bitching; bullying; ostracising; and, control via social pressures.
Fair enough.Oh, but wait a moment – because upon yonder ridge I do see - - gossip magazines, that do pray and betray ("a source close to her, said" - not to mention the unmentionable mothers, exes, who sell out and speak up) -- and moan, and gripe, and WHINE - and: sit upon the pedestal of perfection no human is fit to sit upon until - -!
Behold! (gasps)
Yeah, and so behold, I do now see a larger village than before, and it's streets are paved in gossip, and despair. And yea, it is pleasing unto little piggy eyes which cannot behold something they do not have without crying tears of sheer pure acid hate.I see strangers in Northumbria judging ye little Victoria Beckham from Leyton, and behold, if I was the God Of Smallmindedness, if I was The God OF Societal Control:
I do see people despairing and a wailing, and agnashing of teeth that models do not speak of the highest aspirations of soul, mind and intellect, and that vicars do shag:
if I alone was to be, your petty reason for mourning that tragic idea that humans are best left passing judgement upon each other, rather than getting peaceably on with their own lives – then yes, I’d rejoice in this stupid global village of paparazzi and candid cellulite shots.
God, can we never escape them!? Bummer!
(Next week - why it's okay to burn women if GOSSIP says they eat more/less/spend more on handbags than YOU. And just when you love yourself enough - here come the peasants with pitchforks!)
1 comment:
Fuckers darling - name me one person, ONE PERSON, they've damned that they don't want to be.
Seeya Sun! Px
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